Sadly, nothing new to show; I did try a new paint scheme, but... my cat stole my test model. Seriously, he did. It was an orangish, very bright theme, completely different than regular Dark Eldar. I liked it, but it didn't suit my DE pretty well anyway.
So, instead of posting a picture of my own progress in painting, I've thought I'd post links to my current favorites Dark Eldar armies out there! Here they are, in no particular order:
- Rant in E Minor : Simple dark paint scheme (really close to what I'd like for mine), the light effects are simply awesome.
- The Brush Brothers Archon and Succubus : Not a full army, but again a simple scheme with awesome light effects. The purple is a great choice to complement the dark armor.
- Graphigaut : Frenchie with an interesting technique. Intense highlights, not for everyone - I hate his raider, but I love the rest.
- Daith's Wych Syren : Another single miniature over at CMON. I love the color choices here. On his blog you can also find this Archon. I don't like the color scheme as much as the Syren, but the B&W picture is a great idea to show the highlights.
- Darkezekiel's Scourges : Apparently won Bronze in a GD Germany. Superb blending, nice constrast between the armor, clothes, eyes and wings.
- Speedfreek's Harlequinade Macabre : Simply the best and most original Dark Eldar conversions & painting ever. He has a theme and he sticks to it. Truly an inspiration for us all. (See also his photobucket gallery)
- VanSan : There are too many good Dark Eldar project logs on Warseer to mention them all, but this one deserves it ! From the freehands on the vehicules to the highly contrasted models and very detailed snow bases, this has it all.
- Eye Of Terror : Epic conversion and a very cool paint scheme. Can't recommend a single post, the whole thing is incredible.
- Eldar Addict : A very original paint scheme, and he even published a tutorial to replicate it!
- (Edit) Legio Minimus : I had forgotten about this one ! Classical scheme, but masterfully executed with awesome bases.