Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Favorites Dark Eldar Armies

I'm still alive! Been too busy with work (and videogames) recently to update this blog. An update is due.

Sadly, nothing new to show; I did try a new paint scheme, but... my cat stole my test model. Seriously, he did. It was an orangish, very bright theme, completely different than regular Dark Eldar. I liked it, but it didn't suit my DE pretty well anyway.

So, instead of posting a picture of my own progress in painting, I've thought I'd post links to my current favorites Dark Eldar armies out there! Here they are, in no particular order:

  • Rant in E Minor : Simple dark paint scheme (really close to what I'd like for mine), the light effects are simply awesome.
  • The Brush Brothers Archon and Succubus : Not a full army, but again a simple scheme with awesome light effects. The purple is a great choice to complement the dark armor.
  • Graphigaut : Frenchie with an interesting technique. Intense highlights, not for everyone - I hate his raider, but I love the rest.
  • Daith's Wych Syren : Another single miniature over at CMON. I love the color choices here. On his blog you can also find this Archon. I don't like the color scheme as much as the Syren, but the B&W picture is a great idea to show the highlights.
  • Darkezekiel's Scourges : Apparently won Bronze in a GD Germany. Superb blending, nice constrast between the armor, clothes, eyes and wings. 
  • Speedfreek's Harlequinade Macabre : Simply the best and most original Dark Eldar conversions & painting ever. He has a theme and he sticks to it. Truly an inspiration for us all.  (See also his photobucket gallery
  • VanSan : There are too many good Dark Eldar project logs on Warseer to mention them all, but this one deserves it ! From the freehands on the vehicules to the highly contrasted models and very detailed snow bases, this has it all. 
  • Eye Of Terror : Epic conversion and a very cool paint scheme. Can't recommend a single post, the whole thing is incredible.
  • Eldar Addict : A very original paint scheme, and he even published a tutorial to replicate it!
  • (Edit) Legio Minimus : I had forgotten about this one ! Classical scheme, but masterfully executed with awesome bases.
That's all for now. If you feel like this list is missing an awesome entry, add a comment !


  1. Wow, I am honored to be included in your dark eldar list. Thanks for the list. I hadn't seen some of these.

    Thanks again.

  2. Really nice compilation.

    And nice to be included!
